Admin application
The Admin application allows you to manage your members / staff, messages, events and every single thing which is
belongs to your school.
As an admin, you can access and give permission to staff/employee who can access individual feature of the application,
Admin can search for
any user and view all their information, grant/deny access to any member, manage member rights or terminate a member.
Dashboard Management
Dashboard is the first window which is displayed when you log in your admin account,
it displays new/updated information.
Dashboard shows total number of students, parents/guardian, employees and admins of the school.
Admin can see total number of pending request and blocked request on the dashboard.
Dashboard shows all upcoming events which are going to happen in school in the next 15 days.
Dashboard displays total number of teachers, students and staff absent and present on the current day.
Dashboard also displays all the classes taking place on the current day.
Attendance Management
Admin can give permission to any employee of the school to manage attendance of a particular class. or even admin can assign permission to handle employee attendance management.
Attendance can be taken for students as well as for teachers. Both attendance management are independent of each other. named as Student Attendance Management and Employee Attendance Management
Admin can take and record attedance online for all the classes and
if a student skip school then his/her parents/guardian are notified right away with just a click,
So no student can skip school without his/her parents/guardian knowing about it.
Admin can also see attendance from the previous classes of a student and analiyse whether
the student is improving or not.
Admin can generate report on monthly basis to use for offline references.
Attendance can be taken as Present, Absent, Half Day, or Medical.
Homework Management
Admin can assign teacher/staff to upload homework to the application so parents can also see and if a parent have any queries about homework or regarding their child's performance in class they can message the admin or teachers to whom admin have given permissions, and have a online discussion.
Admin also can communicate on homework with parent, students and also teacher regarding the homework given.
Homework given to students is also uploaded on application for parents to see and if a teacher wants to talk to parents about homework or regarding their child's performance in class they can message the parents directly through this application and have a online discussion, instead of waiting for PTM.
Fees Management
Admin can manage fees management system or Admin can also assign fees management permissions
to any employee of the school.
Our online fees management system is made for your convenience,
Teacher can view due fees, due date and many more.
It is very fast and simple to use for teacher / admin.
Fees management system is made up by considering the security of every transaction's.
In fees management system we have given multiple modes of payment
like Internet Banking,
Credit Card, Debit Card, PayTM, GooglePay and UPI.
Employee can print invoice of paid fees any time they want.
Employee / Admin can see Fees request send by parents or students and can approve / reject the requests.
Employee / Admin can also check the complete report and can generate excel sheets for their convenience.
Employee / Admin can also add case if any one is directly deposited into school account.
Date Sheet Management
Admin can add or manage date sheets for examination as well as admin can assign exam and result management permission to any employee of the school.
Date Sheet will be display on mobile application and also web application
If any changes is made in the datesheet, Every member of school will get an automated notification.
Date Sheet can only be added from Web Application.
There are a number themes are available for result printing, Even if you want a customize theme for your school, You can request schoolites to do that for you.
If you do not select Date of exam, then date sheet for that subject does not save and will not be display in date sheet.
Result Management
Admin can add or manage results for examination as well as admin can assign exam and result management permission to any employee of the school.
Teacher can upload results of exams, class test, quiz, school competition etc online for easy and fast access.
All the information of teachers/staff/students is safely available online so if a parent loses their child's important report card of 10th or 12th instead of going to school and asking for a re-issue teachers can send a link to download to parents or students easily.
Teachers can see the result of previous year also to compare the progress of their students.
Notice Board
Admin can manage notice board as well as admin can assign notice board management permission to any employee of the school.
Admin can assign staff/ teacher to update school notice board so all parents have online access to school's notice board all the new information which is displayed on school's notice board is also uploaded online so that parents know about everything happening in school not just their child's class.
Online notice board has all the information happening in school like school trips , school annual functions etc.
Holiday Calendar
Admin can give permission to staff/teachers to change holiday calendar. Parents can see all the holidays and working days of the respective school online in the holiday calendar even the number of holidays given in summer/winter vacation so plan their trips accordingly with their child.
Whenever any type of update is made with holiday calendar then every member of school will get an automated notification related to that activity.
Dates of holiday will be disabled in attendance calendar, It means teacher can not take attendance of any holiday.
Admin can add any custom event to the calendar as per his/her school requirement.
Time Table/Schedules
Admin can assign teachers/staff to change/manage time table for all the classes. Any change happening in time table parents will be notified right away.
Assigned teacher/staff can also update schedules for all the upcoming events which are going to take place in school are available online like Annual school show ,PTM'S,Sports competition etc.
Add or Update time table can only be manage from web application. In mobile application, it will be displayed to every member of the school, who has access to that class.
Parents, Students, Teacher and Admin every member of school will be notify if any change is made in his/her class time table.
Massaging System
We have fast and easy messaging system built in our app. Admin can decide whom to give permission to use this feature. Admin/School/Staff/Teacher can easily send a notification to every individual in a mere click from anywhere anytime this notification would be available on individual mobile as well as it is displayed on our school login page this makes an easy and quick connection with the busy parents.
Employee Management
In our employee management system, admin can change/manage employee's work, permissions effectively.
Admin can view all the information of employees, send message to them or terminate their schoolites account.
Admin can grant/deny permission to employees to use features of schoolites application like:-
=> Send notification.
=> Manage employee attendance.
=> Manage school gallery.
=> Manage exam date sheet and results and there are many more permissions available in schoolites.
Student management
Admin can handle complete student management system as well as admin can assign student management permissions to any employee of the school.
Admin/ Permitted Employee can view all the information of all the student,
send a message/notification to them or terminate their schoolites account.
Admin/ Permitted Employee can link students account to their guardian/parents account,
by doing so all the information about a student
can be seen by his/her guardian/parents.
Admin/ Permitted Employee can change class/section of a student, change password of their
schoolites account or update their role number.
Admin/ Permitted Employee can import student using CSV format.
Admin/ Permitted Employee can also change role of a student
i.e promoting a student to the position of teacher/staff.
User request
Admin can handle request management system as well as assign request management permissions to any employee of the school.
Admin / Permitted Employee can accept, reject or block any user request and terminate any existing user account.
Admin / Permitted Employee can change role /permissions of a user at the time of accepting user requests.
Admin / Permitted Employee can also see ex-user accounts, pending requests or blocked requests for all the time.
Guardian/Parent management
Admin can handle parent management system as well as assign parent management permissions to any employee of the school.
Admin / Permitted Employee can view all the information of all the guardian/parents,
send a message/notification to them or terminate their schoolites account.
Admin / Permitted Employee can link students account to their guardian/parents account,
by doing so all the information about a student
can be seen by his/her guardian/parents.
Admin / Permitted Employee can also change role of a guardian/parent i.e promoting a guardian/parent to the position of teacher/staff.
School Gallery
Admin can handle gallery management as well as assign gallery management permissions to any employee of the school.
Admin can give permission to staff/teachers to change content in the gallery where the beauty and culture of the respective school is displayed, Information about all the major events happening in school, Photos and videos of school competition, fancy dress competition, annual school show etc.
Admin Settings
Admin settings let's admin manage school profile, admin can change school logo, school's profile picture,
update fax number, telephone number, school's email id, address, website URL.
Admin can change/select classes, their sections and the subjects to be taught in class.
Admin can choose and enable types of payment options for students fee submission.
Admin can add new fee, change fee types and make them in active.
All the user can provide feedback /submit complain/ask a query and will be reverted timely, This will help us in making this application easy,simple and more user friendly.